The one assumption made with these instructions is you’re running SageTV on Windows 7; ideally 32-bit. Read through to the end if you’re on 64-bit.
- UNINSTALL any codec packs, decoders or splitters on your machine.
- Install the most recent version of Shark007’s Windows 7 Codecs.
Warning: Shark007’s pack installs the Bing Bar.
Follow these instructions to stop it from installing. - Set SageTV’s A/V settings to:
- Video Renderer: EVR
- MPEG2 Video Filter: Default
- H.264 Video Decoder Filter: Default
- VC-1 Video Decoder Filter: Default
- Media Player for non-MPEG Files: DirectShow
- DScaler Deinterlacing Filter: Disabled
- Audio Renderer: Default
- MPEG2 Audio Decoder Filter: Default
- HD Audio Decoder Filter: Default
- Audio Playback Delay (ms): 0
- HD Audio Output: Disabled
- Fire up Shark007’s Settings Application and apply these settings exactly.
Start with the SWAP tab and work your way from right to left.
The only settings difference is the SWAP tab… which really isn’t that different.

That’s it! Fire up Sage and play your favorite recording with full DXVA hardware accelerated stutter free goodness.
To verify the correct decoders are being used, while watching a recording, right click on the FFDShow Audio tray icon. It should look like this:

Let me know how it goes!